Welcome To Seekers Automation !

Why Us?

Seekers Automation Private Limited, headquartered in Pune-India, is a young fast-growing company who has the knowledge and experience to understand the manufacturing industry’s needs. Seekers Automation has the vision to utilize its expertise and resources to bring the best solutions in Industrial Automation to its customers. Through our global reach and technical prowess, we offer a comprehensive slew of Industrial Automation solutions, including Turnkey physical Automation projects and digital factory initiatives to serve our customers. We offer increased level of Automation with intelligent products that provide safety, optimized performance and control for a wide range of applications.
Seekers gives complete tailor made solutions for the process optimization, efficient and effectives operations.


To become the world's trusted solution provider in the field of IOT, Process Automation, Factory Automation, Automotive and ancillaries ensuring the customer delight.


Connecting world with Automation solutions for fast and quality production and trusted Global solution provider
Skilled Contractors
Projects Completed
Industries Served
satisfied clients